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- Birth Announcement for Bradon Scott Chissom
From: The Rensselaer Republican, Thursday February 8, 1934
Son Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Chissom
Announcements were received here Wednesday of the birth of a son toMr. and Mrs. Gordon Chissom, the youngster arriving at the Englewoodhospital Wednesday morning, February 7th. The mother is the formerGenene Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Scott of this city. Sheformerly was employed as deputy in the county recorder's office.
Mr. Chissom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chissom of Chicago andresided in Rensselaer up until a few months ago. Mr. Chissom iswell-known to Rensselaer sports fans, playing on the independentbasketball teams in Rensselaer and also played with the Rinky Dinkssoftball team as a pitcher.
Another Birth Announcement
Probably from the Rensselaer Republican
Son Born Today To Mr and Mrs. Gordon Chissom
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Chissom of Chicago atEnglewood hospital in that city this Wednesday forenoon, February 7. Heis Mr. and Mrs. Chissom's first born and from all reports is a mightyfine boy. The young man was named Bradon Scott. His mother is theformer Miss Genene Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Scott of thiscity. Both she and the youngster are getting along nicely. Mr. Chissomis a son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chissom of Chicago.
Grandfather Scott and Mrs. Scott are very, very proud and happy overthe arrival of the little chap, who is their first grandchild. Theformer is doing a great deal of strutting.
Brad graduated from the University of Florida in 1956 with a BS inRecreation and from Florida State University in 1957 with an MS inRecreation. He was Superintendent of Recreation for Jesup and WayneCounty, Georgia, taught high school math and coached in Atlanta andCairo, Georgia. He completed his Ed. D in Educational Research in 1969at Florida State University and was on the faculties of Georgia SouthernCollege (now University), Texas A&M University, and the University ofAlabama. He retired in 1996.